
Kirkuk private institute for oil and gas scientific


On  February  17 ,2020, Sardar Kirkuk private institute for oil and  gas   visited  Tishk International University with approximately( 40)  students and 4 staff . They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving  information about administration process. They visited to increase their motivate to plan their career.

Kirkuk private institute for oil and gas scientific2020-12-07T07:31:45+00:00

Kirkuk private institute for oil and gas visited TIU


On  February  17 ,2020, Sardar Kirkuk private institute for oil and  gas   visited  Tishk International University with approximately( 40)  students and 4 staff . They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving  information about administration process. They visited to increase their motivate to plan their career.    

Kirkuk private institute for oil and gas visited TIU2020-12-07T07:31:45+00:00

Sardar high school visited TIU


On  February  23 ,2020, Sardar High School   visited  Tishk International University with approximately( 45)  students and 4 staff . They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving  information about administration process. They visited to increase their motivate to plan their career

Sardar high school visited TIU2020-12-07T07:31:46+00:00

Sardar High School visited TIU


On  February  23 ,2020, Sardar High School   visited  Tishk International University with approximately( 45)  students and 4 staff . They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving  information about administration process. They visited to increase their motivate to plan their career.    

Sardar High School visited TIU2020-12-07T07:31:47+00:00

Tishk International Collage from Duhok visited TIU


On  January  19 ,2020, Tishk International collage from Duhok  visited  Tishk International University with approximately( 20)  students and 3 staff . They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving  information about administration process. They visited to increase their motivate to plan their career.  

Tishk International Collage from Duhok visited TIU2020-12-07T07:31:51+00:00

Biking Marathon


Tishk International University organized the second Ride-on event within the cooperation of IOM. It took place on 13 December 2019, Friday. Hundreds of bike riders, including our students and staff, participated in the marathon. The aim was to encourage women empowerment and support them to cycle without any fears of the cultural background of the community. In this marathon, our students were volunteers in the different parts of the marathon from registration to endpoint.    

Biking Marathon2020-12-07T07:31:52+00:00

Kurdistan Flag Day Exhibition


Dean of Student of Tishk International University held an art exhibition(painting) on December 17, 2019 in Flag day  infront of the main building. Portraits were done by our talented students with the supervising of our art instructor under the title of “Flag day exhibition ”. The ribbon cut by Dr.Mehmet Ozdamir  Vice President and Deans, the exhibition continued till late of the day students and lectures paid a visit to the portaits during the day. The aim of this exhibition is to boost up student’s self-confidence and their ability in art sector. We, as Dean of Students of Tishk International University, [...]

Kurdistan Flag Day Exhibition2020-12-07T07:31:59+00:00

zheen high school visited TIU


On December 19 ,2019, Zheen   high school visited   Tishk International University with approximately (160) students and 8 staff. They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving information about administration process. They visited to increase their  motivate to plan their career.    

zheen high school visited TIU2020-12-07T07:33:17+00:00

zozan high school visited TIU


On December 19 ,2019, Zozan   high school visited   Tishk International University with approximately (75) students and 6 staff. They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving information about administration process. They visited to increase their  motivate to plan their career.      

zozan high school visited TIU2020-12-07T07:32:05+00:00

Zanyariy private school visited TIU


On December 18 ,2019, zanyary private high school visited   Tishk International University with approximately (100) students and 7 staff. They made a campus tour first and then we made a presentation about the faculties and departments. They were giving information about administration process. They visited to increase their  motivate to plan their career.              

Zanyariy private school visited TIU2020-12-07T07:36:38+00:00

Contact Info

1600 Amphitheatre Parkway New York WC1 1BA

Phone: 1.800.458.556 / 1.800.532.2112

Fax: 458 761-9562

Web: ThemeFusion

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