Mawlood Al-Nabi celebration

Muslims from all around the world will honor the birth of the Prophet Muhammed (PBUM), who comes to the humanity as a guidance and a leadership.

Dean of Students Faculty long with the Faculty of Applied Science celebrated this holly event within a workshop of 4 Days. The workshop was hold at Tishk International University, From 19th,20th,26th,27th of October. Total of around 90 member participated in the workshop as a participant.

19th of October

The event started with a concert at the first day of the workshop which was held in from of the main building. The workshop started with the speech of Asst. Pro. Dr. Idris Hadi followed by the Speech of Mamusta Fatih Sharastani.

20th of October

The event started by Holly’s Quran recitation by Dr. Mohammed Abdulghani Taha the Dean of the Student Faculty,. The successive agendas included the speech of Dr. Abdulallah Waysi, the head of the Kurdistan scholars board. Dr Abdullah delivered a speech on the “Humanity in the personality of the Prophet (PBUH)”. This seminar was followed by the presentation of Dr Soma Majedi who delivered the scientific notion of the “Chemical View and Halal and Haram Food

26th of October

At this unpaid day “The Miracles of the Holy Quran in Chemistry” was delivered by the Dean of Applied Science Faculty, Prof. Dr. Faiq Hussain. His Speech was followed by the speech of Assistant Prof. Dr. Jaafaru Sani where he captivate the audience by his speech of the “The Scientific Wisdom behind the enthusiasm of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

27th of October

At this unpaid day, the workshop was enriched by the speech of Dr. Tola FARAJ, the head of the Medical Analysis Department. Dr Tola talked about the “The medical perspective of cupping therapy – Hijama” in Islam and its medical advantages followed by a great discussion where a number of students and doctors in the field could talk. At the end of the day the audience, students, and TIU staff were captivated by the seminar of Dr. Ramyar Kamal who presented “Black Cumin: a Treatment for Every Disease, Except Death”

At the end of the day, the workshop’s participants enjoyed a great discussion bread served with Zamzam Water and sweets.